William rolled from his back to his stomach for the first time today. I wasn't home, but Mirjam told me about it as soon as I walked in. Of course, she didn't see it either, but we know it happened. She had just changed his diaper, on a blanket on the floor in the living room, and left him lying on his back. She left the room for a moment to throw away the diaper and wash her hands, and when she came back--no more than a minute later--William was on his stomach! He has gotten very good at propping himself up, and so he just looked up at Mirjam with his big blue eyes and smiled when she came back in the room. This isn't the first time we've missed out on something because we left the room for a minute.
A couple months ago (he was seven weeks old at the time) Mirjam and I had just finished changing his diaper and laid William on his stomach. We left the room to throw away the diaper and wash our hands. When Mirjam returned to the living room she yelled for me to come back quickly. I ran in and saw William lying on the blanket on the living room floor--on his back! We put him on his stomach again and told him to repeat the action. He just looked at us for a while and grunted. But after a couple minutes of encouragement, he slid one arm forward so that it was no longer propping his chest and head up, tilted to one side, and did a sort of slow sideways flip to end up on his back. Mirjam and I cheered, of course and wanted him to do it again. William surely thought we were nuts.
9 hours ago