We've been teaching William a few basic signs so he can communicate with us more easily, since he won't be able to say words for at least a few months, and sentences a few months after that.
He's been able to clap for a while now, and he can stretch out his arms above his head for "yeah!" He can also wave goodbye and sometimes he'll blow kisses. But now, he puts his fingertips to his mouth for "hungry," he interlocks his fingers for prayer, he puts his fists together for "shoes," and he puts his hand on the side of his face for "bedtime."
A couple of days ago he had a major breakthrough. Without gesturing at all with my hands, I simply asked him if he was hungry. He responded by putting his fingertips to his mouth. It was incredible! He had recognized what I said and was able to answer the question with the appropriate sign! Then today, Mirjam wanted to take him outside before it got too hot, and we were looking for his blue leather giraffe shoes. I asked William if he knew where his shoes were, and he made the sign for shoes! Incredible.
He's learning so many things every day, it's hard to keep up with them all.
9 hours ago