Earlier this week, William started saying "Mama" for the first time. He babbles a *lot* all day long, but doesn't have any complete words yet. He whines and grunts when he needs something, which isn't as adorable as he usually is, so Mirjam taught him to say "Mama" instead. It goes something like this:
William: Nnnh...nnnh...aaaaahhh!
Mirjam: Say "Mama!"
William: Mma-ma.
Mirjam: Good!
He picked up on it quickly. Of course, after a few days of him saying "Mama" I started to get a little jealous, especially since he said "Mama" to me, too, when he wanted something. So I taught him to say "Papa." The first time, it went something like this:
William: Nnnh...nnnh...aaahhh!
Jon: Say "Papa"
William: *blank stare*
Jon: Pah-pah.
William: *kind of put his lips together*
Jon: Pah-pah... Pah-pah...
William, concentrating hard: Mba-ba.
Jon: Good! Mirjam, he said "Papa!"
William: Mama!
It's a start.
Edit: I forgot to mention that when he first started saying "Mba-ba" he had to concentrate so hard to make his mouth move the way he needed it to, that he blinked every time he did it. It was so adorable, of course, that we laughed at him/with him every time he said it.
9 hours ago