This morning before I left for work, I decided to say a quick prayer for the day. I asked Evie if she wanted to pray with me, and she enthusiastically agreed. (One of her favorite affirmative words is "sure!")
She said "come here!" and led me into the kids' room, where she previously placed a few pieces of colorful fabric on the carpet, for a picnic. We kneeled down between the picnic spots, and I asked her if I should say the prayer, or if she wanted to. She said she wanted to.
She folded her arms, closed her eyes, and in her three-year-old voice, offered this up: "Heavenly Father, danke für Arbeit (work), danke für Target und Post (Mirjam and Evie and Johanna were going to run errands this morning), im Namen Jesu Christi, amen."
Perfect. She was very happy with her prayer, and I couldn't have thought of anything better myself. She gave me a big hug, and I kissed her on the cheek, and rode off to work.
9 hours ago