William has gotten very grabby lately. He likes to latch on to whatever is closest and pull it in toward his gaping, eager mouth. He especially likes to grab hair, pillowcases, fingers, cheeks, his stuffed giraffe, and his wooden teething ring from Germany. Of course, two can play at this game--now I'm biting back.
If he reaches toward my face, I start chomping away at his hands and quickly move up his arms to his shoulders, neck, and chest, and he starts squealing and laughing wildly, which of course only encourages me to continue. Sometimes I go for the inner forearm, bypassing the shoulders and neck, and head straight to his stomach. Anything for a laugh.
9 hours ago
I only was with William for a couple of days, but I feel I am really getting to know him through your and Mirjam's blogs. Thanks for keeping us posted. William's adventures are portrayed delightfully by both of you.