William has gotten the hang of saying "Mama" (or sometimes "Baba," when I remind him) when he needs help, and now he's starting to grasp the association a little better.
Mirjam told me that when she drives by the Park and Ride lot, William will look out the window and say "Baba!" He also squeaks and says "Baba" when he sees me step off the bus. I could eat him up, and as you know, I sometimes take a little nibble here or there out of his neck or ear if he gets to close.
Well, last week, he started doing something a little different. When Mirjam asks him a question, any question, he answers with a simple, upward-inflected, "Mmm-hmm." For example:
Mirjam: William, do you like to eat your apple?
William: Mmm-hmm. (Not bothering to look up, as if this is all quite normal, and nothing new.)
Mirjam: Do you also like applesauce?
William: Mmm-hmm. (Slightly glancing up.)
Mirjam: Do you want to go to bed?
William: Mmm-hmm. (Smirking now, as if he understands the question.)
Mirjam: Do you know how to drive the car?
William: Nnn-hnn. (Smiling more, with each successive question.)
Jon: William, are you ten feet tall?
William: *blank stare*
Mirjam: William, do you like to read your Corduroy book?
William: Uhh-huh. (Now almost laughing at this silly game.)
Mirjam: Are you ready for bath time, William?
William: Aah-haa! (Now laughing with each answer.)
He doesn't understand the questions yet, but it's too much fun to play with him to care about little details like that. He must have picked up the habit listening to us answering each other, or him when he babbles to us:
William: Glaldegledabelgdiggledigel. (Sometimes nodding, always very certain of his important statement.)
Jon and Mirjam: Mmm-hmm! (In the same encouraging, upward-inflected tone he has now adopted.)
I tried to get some of this on video, because it's just so hilarious that he answers questions like this now. Of course, the moment I turn the video camera on, he becomes fascinated with it and stops answering questions. I'll have to keep trying some hidden camera moments.
3 hours ago
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